Hola, ¿alguien está usando esta solución fuente ahora?
Si alguien está usando ¿Qué dosis de aditivo e IPA está usando?
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenHola, ¿alguien está usando esta solución fuente ahora?
Si alguien está usando ¿Qué dosis de aditivo e IPA está usando?
Empieza con 4% de la solución y con 5% de IPA. Porque no llamas un técnico de las productos que quieres usar? Es su trabajo que te ayuden ajustar estos cosas. O porqué quires usar estos productos cuando no tienes un representante cercano?
I have talked whit the técnicas of this fountain Solution for Spain he had recomended 3.5% additive 4% IPA, i answer this question here for to know your opinión.
Just try n see what happens, no one can give you universal number. Depends on your water quality, plates, ink, substrate, rollers, n machine.
The one and only thing important is "to measure the pH-value in the mixture you have" (should be between 4,8 and 5,2pH) not depend how much % you add. What we are doing here ?
Dummies????? This is your opinión. :pulgar arriba: :pulgar arriba:
Your question: ¿Qué dosis de aditivo e IPA está usando?
I told you: "The one and only thing important is "to measure the pH-value in the mixture you have" (should be between 4,8 and 5,2pH)"
Don´t ask other printer how much they add into the water inside their print-shop !
The quality of the water is important and regarding on this you have to adjust the mixture in your house. Did you know that ?
Fountain solution can make a big difference Print Instructor. We were running Eggen on our rapids, then we changed to sonora plates. They didn't run free, with the old solution. Eggen guy brought another, this one killed the plates after 20000 sheets. Next one solved the problems, so you can fuc k up hard time with bad combinations