Best fountain solution for reduced or free ipa

  • Hi Jose,

    why would you change ist? Alcolan XL 47.5 can be used 0-5% IPA.

    Have you tryed it?

    We tested some fountains in the last 15 years. Alcolan XL ist on of the best for us (confentinonal offset 3% IPA). (the second Druckchemie Alkoless)



  • I think one is for harder, one for softer Water...

    We have soft - very soft Water (no water tratment) and use. 47.12

    But no one can recommend an optimal water supplement for you. There are too many variables for that. Such as: rubber blanket, water, color, printing plate, ink rollers, set temperatures, material used, the operator...

    We have had similar good experiences with fountain solution additives from Druckchemie.

  • I think one is for harder, one for softer Water...

    We have soft - very soft Water (no water tratment) and use. 47.12

    But no one can recommend an optimal water supplement for you. There are too many variables for that. Such as: rubber blanket, water, color, printing plate, ink rollers, set temperatures, material used, the operator...

    We have had similar good experiences with fountain solution additives from Druckchemie.

    Thank you for your information, I am going to try Alcolan Xl 47.12,

  • Hallo zusammen

    Alcolan XL 47.12 ist für DOP Platten optimiert. Mit hartem und weichem Wasser hat dies nichts zu tun.
    So sind jedenfalls meine Infos.
    Wer mit DOP Platten arbeitet, dem empfehle ich den Wechsel von XL47.5 zu XL47.12.
    Der Zusatz ist sehr empfehlenswert.

    Gruss Jakob

  • RSPRINT where are you from? Don't you have a Eggen guy in your area? What are your problems, why do you wanna change?

    Hello Karsten1077, I´m from Spain, and there is no technician of Eggen in my area, i buy this fountain solution to Martinez Ayala inks.My problen with 47.5 are so much framing, and some instability in the water relationship, i don´t want to hange i want to find if it possible the best fountain solution from my print machine.

    thank you for your help

  • Sorry, i am thinking to trying Alkoless of Druckchemie, What is the difference between Alcoless and Alcolan 47.5??

    Have you seen any problem in Alkoless?

    Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. ;(;(

  • Hello, Is anyone working with Alcolan NV 50.1 (of Eggen) additive?

    If someone is working or has worked in the past with this additive, Can you tell me What is your opinion about this additive?

    Thank very much.