Hello, one question. Does anyone work in a Mitsubishi (Diamond 3000 or V3000) press?.
Thank you
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenHello, one question. Does anyone work in a Mitsubishi (Diamond 3000 or V3000) press?.
Thank you
I want how to do to control your production. The works to do at day and the time that i need to do it
Dummies????? This is your opinión. :pulgar arriba: :pulgar arriba:
I have talked whit the técnicas of this fountain Solution for Spain he had recomended 3.5% additive 4% IPA, i answer this question here for to know your opinión.
Hola, ¿alguien está usando esta solución fuente ahora?
Si alguien está usando ¿Qué dosis de aditivo e IPA está usando?
Solo necesito controlar la producción de la máquina de impresión, si es posible ver alguna plantilla de planificación y alguna plantilla para calcular la producción de la máquina de impresión
Ok ya lo veo solo necesito un excell o similar para el control de produccion de la maquina de impresion
Hello, I need if someone can say to me How to calculate weekly production (wiht some excell or program ...) and how to do weekly planning of works.
Sorry for my bad English
Alles anzeigenHi Jose,
why would you change ist? Alcolan XL 47.5 can be used 0-5% IPA.
Have you tryed it?
We tested some fountains in the last 15 years. Alcolan XL ist on of the best for us (confentinonal offset 3% IPA). (the second Druckchemie Alkoless)
Sorry, i am thinking to trying Alkoless of Druckchemie, What is the difference between Alcoless and Alcolan 47.5??
Have you seen any problem in Alkoless?
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
We have a Mitsubishi V3000 75x105 5 prints units and coated tower
Water is an osmosis water 350-400 micro siemens (whit rehardener)
RSPRINT where are you from? Don't you have a Eggen guy in your area? What are your problems, why do you wanna change?
Hello Karsten1077, I´m from Spain, and there is no technician of Eggen in my area, i buy this fountain solution to Martinez Ayala inks.My problen with 47.5 are so much framing, and some instability in the water relationship, i don´t want to hange i want to find if it possible the best fountain solution from my print machine.
thank you for your help
Alles anzeigenI think one is for harder, one for softer Water...
We have soft - very soft Water (no water tratment) and use. 47.12
But no one can recommend an optimal water supplement for you. There are too many variables for that. Such as: rubber blanket, water, color, printing plate, ink rollers, set temperatures, material used, the operator...
We have had similar good experiences with fountain solution additives from Druckchemie.
Thank you for your information, I am going to try Alcolan Xl 47.12,
Has anyone tried Alcolan Xl 47.12?
What is the difference between Alcolan Xl 47.5?
Hello, i would like you to advise me of a fountain soltion that works well to reduce or eliminate alcohol. now i am using Alcolan XL 47.5 of Eggen.
Thank you very much
Regards Jose
Hello Jose! It's always such a thing with the tips, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't🤔
If your Eggen uses additives, I would contact Eggen and describe the problem! They are champagne competent and will find the right additive through water analysis!
Do you print with LED UV?
Happy work and sunny greetings
Tom aus Eggen habe ich bereits kontaktiert und die sagen mir, dass ihre Zusätze nicht schäumen. Es ist keine UV-LED-Tinte, sondern herkömmliche Offsettinte.
das Wasser ist durch Osmose und die Härte beträgt 9 deutsche Grad.
nicht und wenn Sie verstehen, ist es ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Danke für alles.
Hello, I'm Jose, from Spain, and now I work with the Eggen font solution (XL 47.5) but I think it doesn't work correctly. I have a lot of foam in the middle tray (and no mechanical problem), and the ink is not stable, I have tried with Alcolan NV 50.1, and I have the same problem. Does anyone use these fuming solutions? What is your opinion??
Sorry for my bad english
Thank you so much for everything.